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The Arts of the Movement Research Group – was registered in the CNPq Directory in 2000 by Profas. Drs. Enamar Ramos and Nara Keiserman, with the aim of bringing together teachers/researchers in the areas of Dance and Body Movement at Escola de Teatro/Unirio and members/collaborators. The investigative focus is the scenic body considering its historiographical, aesthetic and pedagogical aspects. It promotes academic debate between researchers and the artistic class aiming to expand the epistemological field about dance and movement/expressive gesture, resulting in the crossing of knowledge that feeds the theory and practice of artists/researchers.


Âncora 8

Profa. Adriana Bonfatti

Corpo em movimento - atravessamentos entre a sala de aula, a sala de ensaio e o espaço cênico no contexto da preparação corporal, direção de movimento e composição.

O projeto aborda o corpo no contexto das artes cênicas tendo o “Sistema Laban/Bartenieff de Análise do Movimento” como diretriz e interlocução teórico/prático. A sala de aula, a sala de ensaio e os espaços cênicos apreciados
como locus dialógico de experimentação, criação, pesquisa e reflexão de estratégias e dispositivos para a preparação corporal, direção de movimento e composição do artista da cena.
Palavras chaves: Sistema Laban/Bartenieff, Análise, Movimento, Formação/trabalho do artista cênico.

Âncora 5
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Prof. Dra. Ana Lucia Martins Soares (Ana Achcar)

Research Project - Clown dramaturgy: body and word senses in scenic creation

After carrying out the first stage of the research in the two previous years dedicated to the historical and biographical survey of the artistic and professional path traced by clowns who worked in Brazilian circuses in the last century; and the experimentation of scenic exercises of these narratives, the present investigation hopes to study a dramaturgy for clowning that configures body and word in the speech and performance of the clown on stage. Through the experimentation of numbers, entries, reruns and gags, and collaboratively with the participation of a collective of clown researchers formed by UNIRIO clowning students and external guests, the objective is to create dramaturgical scripts for the scene that enable the rescue of the memory of clowns in the circus tradition and the registration of the chosen narratives.


Keywords: Clownwork, Brazilian Circus, Body, Word, Performance.

Prof. Dr. Doriana Mendes

AUDIO VOX Project - Cataloging and Listening Guide of mixed electroacoustic works for voice and electronics by Brazilian composers from 1988 to 2018

This project aims to survey and investigate the production of mixed electroacoustic music for voice and electronic music in Brazilian Music in the last thirty years (1988-2018) and to identify the sound-musical aesthetics of composers through the analysis of their pieces − from the elaboration of a listening guide−, mapping the elements that will serve as support to outline the style profile of each one of the composers, with a particular focus on the treatment of the solo voice. The research will result in a Catalog of Works and a Listening Guide to them as the final product. It also seeks to broaden the understanding of the concept of electrovocal music (discussed in our doctoral thesis) and determine the characteristics of a new listening, based on the theories of Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995), aimed at new aesthetics proposed by the experimentation of mixed electroacoustic music genre.


Keywords: Contemporary voice/ contemporary voice listening/ electro-vocal music/ mixed electro-acoustic music.

Âncora 7
Âncora 4

Prof. Dr. Enamar Ramos

Research Project 1 - The portrait of dance in Brazil – 1950 to 2000 – an account of the dancers of the Theatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro.

The specific investigation that this project proposes is the record of the history of dance written in the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro by the dancers who were part of the Corpo de Baile from 1950 to 2000. We intend to make this documentation with text and image so that the current ones and future generations can identify the people who built it. The bibliography on the subject is practically non-existent, so the reconstruction of this history will be based on the dancers' testimonies.


Keywords: Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, Corpo de Baile, History of Dance.

Research Project 2 - Musical Theatre: Body and Voice Investigation


The project acted in search of a methodology for the Dance classes that would integrate, co-articulate and complement the contents taught in the Dance and Voice disciplines of the Bachelor of Performing Arts course. It was the basis for the creation, in 2009, of the Post-Graduate Course Lato Sensu in Music Theater at UNIRIO. Started in 2007, it is currently studying dramaturgical composition techniques/methodologies in teaching practice allied techniques/methodologies focused on voice, such as Experiencing Breathing by Ilse Middendorf and Vocal Dance & Voice Movement Integration by Patricia Bardi relating to the work of Gerzy Grotowski presented in the book "The Laboratory Theater by Jerzy Grotowski" from 1959-1969, based on the work of Molik - O Alfabeto do Corpo. The works of these two researchers are currently considered important in the field of movement-voice-dramaturgy.


Keywords: Musical Theatre, Body, Voice, Dance.

Prof. Dr. Joana Ribeiro da Silva Tavares

Research Project 1 - Performing Body: Agents, Analysis and Creation

The research develops in-depth studies of the body in the performing arts and is articulated in three main axes aimed at: the historiography of its pioneering agents in Dance and Theater, the analysis of movement/expressive gesture and the study of scenic creation processes and choreographic composition . The project integrates undergraduate and graduate education through extension actions, reiterating the inseparability between teaching, research and extension. Professors Adriana Ferreira Bonfatti and Juliana Bittencourt Manhães are part of the team as collaborating researchers.


Keywords: Choreography in Theater, Movement Analysis, Creation and Composition, Body Preparation and Movement Direction.

Research Project 2 – Reading gestures in dance: introduction to Hubert Godard's thought

Postdoctoral research that carried out the survey and translation into Portuguese of reference texts by the French researcher Hubert Godard (Paris-8) on movement analysis and its theoretical foundations, which are part of the Movement Analysis (ADM) line of research. at the Department of Dance at the Paris-8 Vincennes University – Saint-Denis. The proposal includes the organization of an unpublished collection in Portuguese of the work of Hubert Godard. The research was hosted at the Department of Dance at the Paris-8 University, under the supervision of Professor Christine Roquet, responsible for the chair of Movement Analysis. The stay abroad included a mission as a guest lecturer.


Keywords: Hubert Godard, Analysis, Movement/Gesture, Dance.

Âncora 2

Prof. Dr. Mona Magalhães

Research Project: The body and the city: research on bodypainting

The project aims at a theoretical/practical research in which experiments with body painting will be carried out. The painted utterances may place the body as a counterpoint and/or reiteration in relation to spaces in the city. At first, through bodypainting, the body will be able to camouflage itself, blending into the environment in which it lives. On the other hand, on the other hand, the body will stand out from the social environment, causing extra everyday meaning effects. It aims to emphasize makeup and body painting as artistic languages.

Keywords: Body, City, Bodypainting, Performance.

Âncora 6

Prof. Dr. Nara Keiserman

Research Project - Actor rhapsodo: research of procedures for a sign language.

The Project's principles are the theatricalization of non-dramaturgical works, the investigation of pedagogical resources for the formation and training of the rhapsode actor, the research of acting procedures for a theater in which gestures are installed as a language eventually detached from the voice, and whose methodology is founded on the realization of experimental laboratories. The current stage, called Theater and Spirituality, contemplates a thought that understands the Body as a multidimensional unit, in conjunction with concepts such as Consciousness, Prana, Presence and Energy.


Keywords: Narrator Actor, Theater and Spirituality, Actor's Pedagogy, Narrative Theater.

Âncora 1
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Âncora 3

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Motta Lima

Research Project 1 - Actor: presence and vacancy – Beckett and Pessoa as "educators" of the actor​

I intend to reflect on the concepts of presence and vacancy (absence) in the actor's work, and on the pedagogy aimed at training the actor, based on some philosophical, poetic and aesthetic matrices. I will seek 1) to analyze the concepts of presence and vacancy/absence in their relation to performance; 2) carry out theoretical-conceptual crossings between these terms of action and a particular philosophical strand dedicated to reflecting on the production of different modes of subjectivation; 3) work on texts by Samuel Beckett and Fernando Pessoa, reading them as possible producers of a method – or anti-method – for the formation of actors that takes into account the concepts worked above. 4) continue laboratory research – with the Hanimais Hestranhos group – on these same themes, authors and texts.


Keywords: Actor's Pedagogy, Acting, Presence, Modes of Subjectivation.

Research Project 2 - Post-theatrical Grotowski: paratheater, theater of sources, objective drama and art as a vehicle

I will carry out a historiographical work on the stages of Grotowski's artistic career known as paratheatre, theater of sources, objective drama and art as a vehicle. I will also seek to analyze the artist's key concepts in the period from 1975 to Art as a Vehicle. As an initial focus, I intend to reflect on the notions of sacred that are built in these investigations and also on the binomial ways of doing/modes of subjectivation constructed in different phases. The questions that guide the research are: What notions of sacred work in these phases? And, what notions of subject (and body) are forged in – and forge – artistic actions developed in the period.


Keywords: Grotowski, Paratheatre, Theater of Sources, Art as a Vehicle.

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